Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why Forex May Be The Safest Place To Invest Today And Other Thoughts On The World And Mankind

Okay, I'm no major financial expert. But, these days and after losing a ton of money in everything BUT forex over the past couple of years, I consider myself well educated in where I make money versus where I lose it. So far, I've lost money in real estate holdings -- lost a ton of money earned in FOREX. Stocks -- lost a ton of money that I had previously earned in, uh, FOREX. So, seriously, I don't know who to trust anymore. Banks? I don't trust them. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac cost a ton of investors a ton of money. Do I trust the FDIC to cover money on deposit in US banks? No. I don't even trust the U.S. government to honor all of its debts. Sadly I must report. But the same is true of every government on the planet.

So, what to do in today's hugely unstable world? Well, there is FOREX...which has yet to fail me in providing a path to make money and lots of it. PUTTING the money someplace safe -- that is another question. But, in terms of where to MAKE money in the first place, I contend still (as a novice relative to the financial world -- just a guy who figured out a system that works to make money in forex) -- I still contend forex is THE place to make money.

I use my FX Power Hedge system, and I greatly enjoyed a phone call today with a fellow working on the system and some new automation that may soon come out for you all. For now, the system is still manual because the mathematics behind the FX Power Hedge ( are simply too complex for the common EA. But, Jeff, I enjoyed speaking with you today. I hope you will be introduced to the whole base of power hedge traders out there soon if we get this concept working in automation. Meanwhile, there is a ton of money to be made with the system manually, and I also enjoyed that part of our chat. So.

Back to WHY forex is safe in my personal opinion. It's all about how the world governments conspired to create the perfect international monetary system about 30 years ago. A monetary system so remarkably genius in design that it CANNOT

It's painfully simple, and it's the reason we left the gold standard in 1973. Every currency in forex has a value in RELATIONSHIP to other currencies. There's no "real" value, like you have in gold or oil or a piece of real estate or a stock portfolio. But, frankly speaking, unless you own half of Saudi Arabia, or already possess a ton of gold, then you've probably lost money in real estate, stocks, or other investments, and you're looking for a safe, predictable, consistent way to make more money. You have a little money to invest now (or hey, a lot of money to invest in some cases if you know how to dodge bullets), and you just don't want to go to the casino of uncertainty that is basically the 90% of all other investments in today's world. Hey, would you like to buy some land in Greece?

That's why you turn to forex. That's why you LEARN forex. Because no matter how crazy things get, the collective world governments are NOT going to just go out of business. There's too much money in taxing the global population of all of us who work for a living. The system is too perfect for everyone in power from those directly in government to those in the major establishments from banks to corporations who are tied into those governments. The "establishment" (if I can use an old school term from when I was in school back in the day) -- the "establishment" is NOT going to let the collective set of world governments go broke.

This means the MONEY or currency of each government will stay alive and continue to be valued against every OTHER currency. It's kind of like making up the value of your money as you go along. That's all the collective set of world governments merrily perpetuate every day in forex. The Euro goes up and down. The dollar, yen, you name it -- they all go up and down, and people buy and sell, and the GOVERNMENTS continue to collect taxes and life goes on. I don't mind this system. Hey, I simply accept it as the way it is, and I figured out a way to make my own money from it!

So, I'm not endorsing how the collective set of world governments set up this "paper" value system. But hey, it is what it is. It's forex. And they even set up rules like the high leverage up to 500 to 1, so THEY could make big money (and now WE can also make big profits thanks to our ability to access what used to be just the private government country club investment system). Well, forex is now open to the public, and you're missing out if you haven't figured out that this is where the action is in terms of making money through investing. Or, perhaps you'd prefer to wait out the real estate market in the U.S.? Or how about purchasing stock in that roller coaster casino called the NYSE? Yeah. Those are better choices. Play poker online instead.

I apologize for sounding skeptical about so much in the world. But look around.

There are wars and other such things around the world all the time. The occasional acts of terrorism happen far too frequently. But all that's about politics, and I really don't care about politics. I can't buy a house or a car or a steak with political opinions. I care about what matters to me and my

Money is what REALLY makes everything work on this planet today. And I don't need to tell you. If there are people out there fighting over something, it's usually a conflict based on money or some other nature of wealth. I'm not going to get into the religious-based conflicts, because I honestly don't believe (with a few radical and perhaps misguided exceptions granted) that there actually are "religious" wars in today's modern world. I seriously believe it's all about the money...all the time and all over the world. If some guy blows himself up somewhere, I am personally of the opinion that some other guy convinced him to hit the red button on his vest because there's money or wealth or something behind the set of perverted beliefs that ended up splattering that poor sucker's guts all over whatever place he chose to make a point. Again, it's always and all about the money. Or the land. Or whatever is viewed as wealth.

Which brings us back, oddly enough, to forex. It's always about the money. And the world's population of government leaders will NEVER let their national currencies just evaporate in terms of value. They'll always have one currency valued as whatever against the other currencies, and that is the incredible beauty of forex. Currencies in this system NEVER have a collective value of zero!

They can NEVER be totally worthless! If one goes down, then the other goes up. No matter how screwed up things may be all over the world, if one currency goes down in value then the other is going up -- that's how the whole system is designed. It's set up NEVER to fail.

These are the RULES of our international monetary system backed by the world's governments...the guys in ultimate power over civilized existence. Their currencies will NEVER achieve zero value, even if national debts go nuts. As long as there's paper, you can spend it. It's money. And, according to the governments who put their name on that paper (and who keep armies all over the planet to make sure their respective names are spelled correctly on each piece of their unique cash paper), money will have value. Each country's money will be relatively higher one day and lower the next or whatever. But the money's always going to have has inherent value thanks to the rules of forex. About three decades ago, the world's governments actually came up with a system that turned paper into gold. No kidding. This is forex, and it's what will forever keep today's governments in control and free to collect taxes.

The only remotely possible way that today's portfolio of global paper money would ever become worthless is if some collective bunch of people organized worldwide and somehow managed to destroy the collective bunch of national governments long organized around the world and backed up by lots of guys with lots of guns. I will, personally, place my bet on the collective bunch of world governments with big capital cities and embassies and armies...I wager they will prevail one way or the other for quite a while. And thus, their money will continue to have value.

Those of us who can collect more of this paper by trading based on those highs and lows of the world's government paper in forex...well, we can buy more of the stuff available for purchase with that special paper we call money.

So, I know this has been kind of a skeptical post. I intended to take the absolutely most skeptical view of the world I possibly could (turned out to be mostly realistic perspective...hmm), and still end up in an interesting place...a good place for those of us who earn our living in forex. No matter how bad things may look in terms of global economics. No matter how crazy politics and conflicts may get at different points in time. No matter who's fighting in the streets or will ALWAYS have value.


Forget the idea that money is just paper. Bull. Liquid paper money is true wealth, and this globally recognized paper money in whatever currency buys things. Paper money. Simply put. THAT is always going to have value in our world. You may move it around most of the time electronically, and perhaps never have much in terms of paper in your hands for actual spending in person. That's the world we live in. But the numbers that represent the cash money you have in this forex account or that bank account...that's the true and real wealth of this world which will never go away.

Why? In the end, the biggest reason is because it cannot go away. The "value" of paper money just as we trade it every single day in forex CANNOT disappear, or there would be total collapse and we'd next be trading cans of beans in order to get through the day. We're not going back to a barter system though. Trust me on this one.

So if you have uncertainty about the economy. I understand. So do I. I have uncertainty about governments around the world. I don't trust my own nation's leaders, much less grant any nation's leaders the courtesy of assuming there is one ounce of integrity in anyone's soul. I don't believe there's much integrity or honesty left on the planet. I'm very sad to say that, but I have observed so much cheating and deception that I'm left to conclude that there is one and only one common thing all humanity shares to maximum extent top to bottom...President to Prime Minister to people on the street.

We all share a sense of incredible and relentless greed.

We're a human population who all want more all the time. This drives forex. This drives everything that goes on every day. We all want more, and those of us who worry about losing what we have accumulated are challenged daily to find safe places to keep our wealth. Those of us who want more (which is basically everybody) have had an increasingly difficult challenge finding trustworthy places to invest and earn profits.

The exception is the group of us who invest in forex. Cause we're investing our money in MONEY. And, money makes the world go round. So like it or not. Agree that things are bad or not. Doesn't matter. I would challenge anyone out there to contend in a reply that MONEY is anything less than the most powerful substance on earth.

That's why I continue to invest in forex. That's why I know the money traded in forex will ALWAYS maintain value. That's why I continue to put my money into forex trades. Cause I'm liquid, and I'm invested in the most important thing to every leader of every government on the planet...their national currencies.

I like that every world government puts their highest priority on protecting the value of the ONE thing I'm invested in...their money. So bravo forex. That's why I trust this one and only system to endure through good times and bad...certain uncertain days.

Visit my site and learn more about how to make more money in forex. And if you think I'm being too skeptical about humanity and greed and money, then tell me truthfully that you don't want money and you've never purchased a lottery ticket. Then tell me why in the world you bothered to visit this website about forex? For more on me and how I win at And seriously, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my views. It's just how I see the world these days. I'm not proud of the world I see. But I think this is our unstable, uncertain, unruly real world, whether we like it or not. I simply choose to live a bit more comfortably in it thanks to forex.