Thursday, August 11, 2011

Trajectory Forex Proving Profitable Even Today

There are riots in the streets throughout Europe. London burns like something out of World War II. The stock markets in the US and around the world are up and down like a roller coaster. And, no surprise, forex currencies are up and down like a roller coaster as well. Yet, I continue to earn profits.

How does that work? Well, I've been collaborating with a few people who purchased my book (Trajectory Forex -- on Amazon and available at, and I'm enjoying the fact that the methodology I outline in my book for utilizing select groupings of time frames to identify more or less meaningful velocity in price movement (and thus higher or lower probabilities of continued movement) is paying off consistently. And consistent net profits at the end of each trading day are not easily achieved in this turbulent market.

I was inspired by a fellow I've been working with who posted his trading results on Amazon. He bought the cheaper Kindle version of my book and then got the free download of all the charts in color off my site (, but that's cool. The bigger point is that he's made several thousand in profits off an initial investment of just $1000 dollars in the United States -- not so easy today with reduced leverage. The guy is making it happen, and I'm excited for him. I wish there were more people who would embrace the reality that there is a legitimately new way to trade forex.

If you're still using Technical Analysis, I suspect you haven't had days like I had this week where I made $17,000 in just over two hours. I suspect you haven't seen $62,000 in profits in one week as I did on a crazy roller coaster ride starting two weeks ago. I am literally trading the same currencies when they're moving up, and then shorting them within minutes. It is a wild ride, but it is all there plain to see in the Trajectory Forex trend identification methodology.

So, I just wanted to check in. I haven't had a lot to say lately. I have honestly been taking a lot of time off this summer. It's been nice. But I got back in to my office here at home, and got busy cause I was getting a bunch of e-mails coming through on my phone, and there is just a limit to how much texting one human being can do in terms of answering questions for people reading my book. So, while I was here dealing with e-mails anyway, I decided to get into it heavy and do some trading.

Again, and as always, I push myself to test my own methodology. I love to say to myself, "Okay, if this REALLY works, then you would do this...or that...and it has to work. Right?" Well, that's how I do it. Trajectory Forex isn't what I'd call religion, but it's just about that close to my heart and my wallet. And, it works. I would love to be more humble, but hey -- I'm making money and so are the people reading my book.

By the way, sales are good. I wish more people would take time to put reviews of the book and their results on Amazon. I'd like to climb into the top 100 or something in terms of book sales, cause I swear -- someday I truly believe Trajectory trend identification is going to be recognized for totally blowing away Technical Analysis and it will ultimately be taught by every broker now so heavily invested in the voodoo of Technical Analysis and it's BS predictive modeling off PAST data.

Anyway. I will not get into my rambling anger at how many people are duped and fooled into believing the Technical Analysis myth. I will simply say that I hope everyone is doing well. I pray that you guys do not give up on forex just because of the turbulence lately. If you learn how to properly identify trends and micro-trends that have velocity, there is a LOT of money to be made in day trading. That's how it's done, people. At least that's how I'm doing it. It's all I know, and it works. So, I'm not messing with the formula.

I looked at getting into some stocks the other day, cause everything got very cheap very suddenly. And all I could think about was how someone else in some boardroom far away from me would ultimately control the fate of my money. So, even thinking about Apple stock, I couldn't do it. I just can't give up the total control I enjoy over my money like I do in forex.

So, hey, even today when it looks like the US and other world economies are going to melt down, there's no reason for individuals to panic if you figure out a plan for yourself and you take action. The key here is that you cannot purchase my book, read it, and then take a skeptical point of view, fail to take action or even try it in a demo account. I once had a venture capitalist tell me something that is pretty valuable. He said that he would never invest in a great idea. I think the quote he gave to me (and the dude was pretty successful -- very rich, kind of like most people who are VC guys) -- the quote was something like, "There's no shortage of great ideas. But they're worthless unless there is a person who takes that idea and makes it happen. Without action, the greatest idea on earth will fail."

I never forgot that guy and the many pieces of advice he gave me very early in my professional life. But perhaps the best piece of advice is the one above. So if you just dream of wealth, or just think about it -- you are going to go no where. If you end up purchasing my book or learning anyone else's method for trading forex, BUT you don't actually put the principles in action, then you will guarantee your own failure and zero results. There's even another old saying that fits here, and there's one guy out there who purchased my book and I think you know I'm talking to you, man. I think it was George S. Patton who said, "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week."

So hey, take the advice of one of the men who played a central role in winning World War II. If you buy my book, execute the methodology with what might be considered violent passion and vigorous action. Go full speed and take no prisoners. Take the shot. Do NOT buy my book if you're going to read it like it's an intellectual exercise. I get really hacked off when people send me e-mails after reading my book, and they haven't even opened a stinking demo account. Why bother? I mean...why did you buy my book?

So I try to be polite with the couch potato people, but seriously. I mean, really? You're going to spend even $9.99 to buy my book. You say you "want" to make big money in forex, but you won't even invest the time to open a demo account? Heck, the latest review posted on Amazon, which actually motivated me to write this blog (so thank you, Dante) is from a guy who bought the book and just flat opened a live account with $1000 he couldn't afford to lose. I do NOT advise taking this kind of risk. NO way do I give that kind of reckless advice. But at the same time, I am laughing my butt off every time I get an e-mail from this dude, cause he is crushing the market right out of the box. So, I'm thinking -- what the heck is wrong with the other people who e-mail me all caught up in confusion and indecision?

This guy and a reasonable number of other people (Anthony -- you're doing well, and I include you in this group of successful people even though you stumbled the other day based on an old habit lol -- you're going to be okay when you learn to STAY WITH THE PROGRAM!!!!!) -- people are making this work. They're making money, because they're taking action. I respect that immensely. It's the reward I enjoy most out of writing the book.

So to all those who read and whine because they never take the initiative to take action -- look in the mirror if you want to see the reason you fail. And to those absolutely raping the forex market for disgusting profits cause they are taking ACTION with violent aggression, I love you with all my heart. The billions and billions of cash profits are out there every single hour of every day just for the taking, but no one is going to give it to you. You have to EARN it. All I can do is show you how. The implementation. The guts. The desire to actually do it -- that's all you.