First, I apologize for not posting a blog entry in a good while. I've been dealing with some personal stuff that isn't worth putting into a blog you read to learn and profit from forex.
So book sales are going very well with Trajectory Forex. (For sale on Amazon or That is a good thing. I have been giving some simple but very important advice to a number of people who've bought the book and gotten into forex trading. Seems to have been helpful to them, so I want to share it here. I think you'll find this, even as elementary as it may sound, extremely valuable.
The basic advice is don't lose money.
So okay, that sounds kind of obvious. But I kept getting e-mails, particularly from new traders, and they would tell me how they had been making money for a week or two with Trajectory. But then, suddenly, they got "trapped in a losing trade" and lost big. Rule one is NEVER lose big.
My number one piece of advice for anyone who starts in demo and then moves to a live cash account is to learn how to AVOID losing money. So I tried a new kind of experimental approach, and it's worked for a fair number of people lately. Thus, I am sharing it here. When you trade that first live account with Trajectory Forex (or any other method, honestly), you must start with one simple objective: trade for 30 days and do everything possible to simply break even. Your one and only goal for 30 days is to finish with exactly the amount you started with -- no profits, but NO LOSSES!!!!!
I am hearing and it seems that this can be about the most valuable 30 days in a forex trader's life. Because you learn how NOT to lose money.
This is in my book. But I definitely didn't stress the point to the extent that it becomes mandatory for anyone and everyone starting out. But you should NEVER feel like you're "trapped" in a bad trade, or sit there watching a trade go against you wishing and hoping it will turn around.
Listen. I understand how that happens. When I first started trading forex, I would double or triple up an initial account but then routinely get "trapped" in a losing trade and suddenly there's a margin call. It's wishful thinking and the eternal optimism that's just part of human nature. But it's also a flaw in how technical analysis is taught and the general absence of teaching about money management. Everyone works so hard at trying to teach people how to identify trends to make profits. But the broker classes and forums don't spend enough time on teaching you how to avoid losing money.
So, when you inevitably find yourself in the middle of a trade turning against you, you still feel like you've read every indicator correctly. In the Trajectory Forex methodology, you have likely seen every indication that a currency is absolutely moving in one particular direction. So, your emotions, your ego, your "hopes" may cause you to ignore a retrace for too long and try to ride it out. Your emotions tell you that it "should" turn around in your favor. It "must" turn around. How can a currency be on track in one trajectory with such high velocity and then just reverse????
Well, the reason (especially today) is government intervention in many cases. One government or another steps in every single day to manipulate currency values. There's a big deal being made today about the Chinese government's manipulation of currency. Really? Is the United States going to claim it doesn't have a massive daily budget specifically to prop up the USD? Please. Every nation is manipulating currencies, and I strongly believe (no evidence of this, but it is my belief) that nations combine forces to collaborate in currency manipulation together. That's something like conspiracy to commit fraud. Right? Unfortunately, since laws are made by governments and it's the governments doing the manipulating, there aren't any higher authorities to police this currency manipulation.
The good news is that you can still make money if you watch only the physics of price movement as taught in Trajectory Forex. Don't get caught up in misleading fundamental or technical indicators. Trust only the numbers and move with them.
No currency manipulation lasts. The market is too big for long term interventions to endure. There's not enough cash in any government's reserve to prop up a currency long term. But they can sure screw up your proportionately little account and it's relatively small margin in a brief matter of minutes or hours. Of course, other things can happen. Bottom line, the only thing we can count on in forex is that price keeps changing.
So what do you do? You get out of losing trades. You keep a tight stop loss, which for me is now down to just 10 pips. It might even be less depending on the size of account your trading. You will lose some trades this way. It's going to happen. BUT, if you implement the trajectory methodology correctly, then you should win more than you lose. You should identify winning trend trajectories that run longer than the spread and produce profits. And you have to minimize losses in order to make sure you don't have some monster deficit to make up in a magical series of big wins that likely never materialize.
If you manage your losses. Keep every loss small. Then you can trust that you're not going to have some incredible streak of getting into trades EXACTLY when they reverse over and over and over. It's not going to happen.
This is a brutally simple way to trade. Honestly, you don't even need my trajectory methodology and its pure physics-based approach to implement this kind of trading philosophy. You could merely flip a coin and make profits with high level money management. If you always lose as small as possible. Keep a quick trigger finger on your trades. And maximize the winning trades riding out every trend for as long as you can, and sticking with them as profits build (increasing the amount you're willing to lose or give back as your profits mount)'ll quickly find yourself winning a lot more than you lose. And I include a formula for riding the winning trend in the book as well relative to how much you should be willing to give back in the inevitable retraces that hit during every trend.
I've had conventional technical trading professionals tell me they can make a profitable living winning less than 40% of all their trades. What is that about? It's about smart money management. Winning as big as possible when you get it right. Losing small -- and NEVER losing big.
So, simply put, my advice to anyone who's starting out in forex is to invest 30 days in demo and the first 30 days in your live account just trying to break even. Learning how NOT to lose money is the most valuable skill possible in forex. In today's market, you're forced to scalp more than ever before, so making quick moves is more the routine than ever. That's okay. As long as currency prices move one direction or another, profits can be earned. THAT is the fundamental reason I personally believe forex remains the single best market for making money. When you simplify it down to basic physics -- the math behind the moves with disregard for misleading world events and technical indicators that can't be trusted -- with physics you will pick more winners than losers. With smart money management, you should NEVER NEVER NEVER lose big.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Trajectory Forex Proving Profitable Even Today
There are riots in the streets throughout Europe. London burns like something out of World War II. The stock markets in the US and around the world are up and down like a roller coaster. And, no surprise, forex currencies are up and down like a roller coaster as well. Yet, I continue to earn profits.
How does that work? Well, I've been collaborating with a few people who purchased my book (Trajectory Forex -- on Amazon and available at, and I'm enjoying the fact that the methodology I outline in my book for utilizing select groupings of time frames to identify more or less meaningful velocity in price movement (and thus higher or lower probabilities of continued movement) is paying off consistently. And consistent net profits at the end of each trading day are not easily achieved in this turbulent market.
I was inspired by a fellow I've been working with who posted his trading results on Amazon. He bought the cheaper Kindle version of my book and then got the free download of all the charts in color off my site (, but that's cool. The bigger point is that he's made several thousand in profits off an initial investment of just $1000 dollars in the United States -- not so easy today with reduced leverage. The guy is making it happen, and I'm excited for him. I wish there were more people who would embrace the reality that there is a legitimately new way to trade forex.
If you're still using Technical Analysis, I suspect you haven't had days like I had this week where I made $17,000 in just over two hours. I suspect you haven't seen $62,000 in profits in one week as I did on a crazy roller coaster ride starting two weeks ago. I am literally trading the same currencies when they're moving up, and then shorting them within minutes. It is a wild ride, but it is all there plain to see in the Trajectory Forex trend identification methodology.
So, I just wanted to check in. I haven't had a lot to say lately. I have honestly been taking a lot of time off this summer. It's been nice. But I got back in to my office here at home, and got busy cause I was getting a bunch of e-mails coming through on my phone, and there is just a limit to how much texting one human being can do in terms of answering questions for people reading my book. So, while I was here dealing with e-mails anyway, I decided to get into it heavy and do some trading.
Again, and as always, I push myself to test my own methodology. I love to say to myself, "Okay, if this REALLY works, then you would do this...or that...and it has to work. Right?" Well, that's how I do it. Trajectory Forex isn't what I'd call religion, but it's just about that close to my heart and my wallet. And, it works. I would love to be more humble, but hey -- I'm making money and so are the people reading my book.
By the way, sales are good. I wish more people would take time to put reviews of the book and their results on Amazon. I'd like to climb into the top 100 or something in terms of book sales, cause I swear -- someday I truly believe Trajectory trend identification is going to be recognized for totally blowing away Technical Analysis and it will ultimately be taught by every broker now so heavily invested in the voodoo of Technical Analysis and it's BS predictive modeling off PAST data.
Anyway. I will not get into my rambling anger at how many people are duped and fooled into believing the Technical Analysis myth. I will simply say that I hope everyone is doing well. I pray that you guys do not give up on forex just because of the turbulence lately. If you learn how to properly identify trends and micro-trends that have velocity, there is a LOT of money to be made in day trading. That's how it's done, people. At least that's how I'm doing it. It's all I know, and it works. So, I'm not messing with the formula.
I looked at getting into some stocks the other day, cause everything got very cheap very suddenly. And all I could think about was how someone else in some boardroom far away from me would ultimately control the fate of my money. So, even thinking about Apple stock, I couldn't do it. I just can't give up the total control I enjoy over my money like I do in forex.
So, hey, even today when it looks like the US and other world economies are going to melt down, there's no reason for individuals to panic if you figure out a plan for yourself and you take action. The key here is that you cannot purchase my book, read it, and then take a skeptical point of view, fail to take action or even try it in a demo account. I once had a venture capitalist tell me something that is pretty valuable. He said that he would never invest in a great idea. I think the quote he gave to me (and the dude was pretty successful -- very rich, kind of like most people who are VC guys) -- the quote was something like, "There's no shortage of great ideas. But they're worthless unless there is a person who takes that idea and makes it happen. Without action, the greatest idea on earth will fail."
I never forgot that guy and the many pieces of advice he gave me very early in my professional life. But perhaps the best piece of advice is the one above. So if you just dream of wealth, or just think about it -- you are going to go no where. If you end up purchasing my book or learning anyone else's method for trading forex, BUT you don't actually put the principles in action, then you will guarantee your own failure and zero results. There's even another old saying that fits here, and there's one guy out there who purchased my book and I think you know I'm talking to you, man. I think it was George S. Patton who said, "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week."
So hey, take the advice of one of the men who played a central role in winning World War II. If you buy my book, execute the methodology with what might be considered violent passion and vigorous action. Go full speed and take no prisoners. Take the shot. Do NOT buy my book if you're going to read it like it's an intellectual exercise. I get really hacked off when people send me e-mails after reading my book, and they haven't even opened a stinking demo account. Why bother? I mean...why did you buy my book?
So I try to be polite with the couch potato people, but seriously. I mean, really? You're going to spend even $9.99 to buy my book. You say you "want" to make big money in forex, but you won't even invest the time to open a demo account? Heck, the latest review posted on Amazon, which actually motivated me to write this blog (so thank you, Dante) is from a guy who bought the book and just flat opened a live account with $1000 he couldn't afford to lose. I do NOT advise taking this kind of risk. NO way do I give that kind of reckless advice. But at the same time, I am laughing my butt off every time I get an e-mail from this dude, cause he is crushing the market right out of the box. So, I'm thinking -- what the heck is wrong with the other people who e-mail me all caught up in confusion and indecision?
This guy and a reasonable number of other people (Anthony -- you're doing well, and I include you in this group of successful people even though you stumbled the other day based on an old habit lol -- you're going to be okay when you learn to STAY WITH THE PROGRAM!!!!!) -- people are making this work. They're making money, because they're taking action. I respect that immensely. It's the reward I enjoy most out of writing the book.
So to all those who read and whine because they never take the initiative to take action -- look in the mirror if you want to see the reason you fail. And to those absolutely raping the forex market for disgusting profits cause they are taking ACTION with violent aggression, I love you with all my heart. The billions and billions of cash profits are out there every single hour of every day just for the taking, but no one is going to give it to you. You have to EARN it. All I can do is show you how. The implementation. The guts. The desire to actually do it -- that's all you.
How does that work? Well, I've been collaborating with a few people who purchased my book (Trajectory Forex -- on Amazon and available at, and I'm enjoying the fact that the methodology I outline in my book for utilizing select groupings of time frames to identify more or less meaningful velocity in price movement (and thus higher or lower probabilities of continued movement) is paying off consistently. And consistent net profits at the end of each trading day are not easily achieved in this turbulent market.
I was inspired by a fellow I've been working with who posted his trading results on Amazon. He bought the cheaper Kindle version of my book and then got the free download of all the charts in color off my site (, but that's cool. The bigger point is that he's made several thousand in profits off an initial investment of just $1000 dollars in the United States -- not so easy today with reduced leverage. The guy is making it happen, and I'm excited for him. I wish there were more people who would embrace the reality that there is a legitimately new way to trade forex.
If you're still using Technical Analysis, I suspect you haven't had days like I had this week where I made $17,000 in just over two hours. I suspect you haven't seen $62,000 in profits in one week as I did on a crazy roller coaster ride starting two weeks ago. I am literally trading the same currencies when they're moving up, and then shorting them within minutes. It is a wild ride, but it is all there plain to see in the Trajectory Forex trend identification methodology.
So, I just wanted to check in. I haven't had a lot to say lately. I have honestly been taking a lot of time off this summer. It's been nice. But I got back in to my office here at home, and got busy cause I was getting a bunch of e-mails coming through on my phone, and there is just a limit to how much texting one human being can do in terms of answering questions for people reading my book. So, while I was here dealing with e-mails anyway, I decided to get into it heavy and do some trading.
Again, and as always, I push myself to test my own methodology. I love to say to myself, "Okay, if this REALLY works, then you would do this...or that...and it has to work. Right?" Well, that's how I do it. Trajectory Forex isn't what I'd call religion, but it's just about that close to my heart and my wallet. And, it works. I would love to be more humble, but hey -- I'm making money and so are the people reading my book.
By the way, sales are good. I wish more people would take time to put reviews of the book and their results on Amazon. I'd like to climb into the top 100 or something in terms of book sales, cause I swear -- someday I truly believe Trajectory trend identification is going to be recognized for totally blowing away Technical Analysis and it will ultimately be taught by every broker now so heavily invested in the voodoo of Technical Analysis and it's BS predictive modeling off PAST data.
Anyway. I will not get into my rambling anger at how many people are duped and fooled into believing the Technical Analysis myth. I will simply say that I hope everyone is doing well. I pray that you guys do not give up on forex just because of the turbulence lately. If you learn how to properly identify trends and micro-trends that have velocity, there is a LOT of money to be made in day trading. That's how it's done, people. At least that's how I'm doing it. It's all I know, and it works. So, I'm not messing with the formula.
I looked at getting into some stocks the other day, cause everything got very cheap very suddenly. And all I could think about was how someone else in some boardroom far away from me would ultimately control the fate of my money. So, even thinking about Apple stock, I couldn't do it. I just can't give up the total control I enjoy over my money like I do in forex.
So, hey, even today when it looks like the US and other world economies are going to melt down, there's no reason for individuals to panic if you figure out a plan for yourself and you take action. The key here is that you cannot purchase my book, read it, and then take a skeptical point of view, fail to take action or even try it in a demo account. I once had a venture capitalist tell me something that is pretty valuable. He said that he would never invest in a great idea. I think the quote he gave to me (and the dude was pretty successful -- very rich, kind of like most people who are VC guys) -- the quote was something like, "There's no shortage of great ideas. But they're worthless unless there is a person who takes that idea and makes it happen. Without action, the greatest idea on earth will fail."
I never forgot that guy and the many pieces of advice he gave me very early in my professional life. But perhaps the best piece of advice is the one above. So if you just dream of wealth, or just think about it -- you are going to go no where. If you end up purchasing my book or learning anyone else's method for trading forex, BUT you don't actually put the principles in action, then you will guarantee your own failure and zero results. There's even another old saying that fits here, and there's one guy out there who purchased my book and I think you know I'm talking to you, man. I think it was George S. Patton who said, "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week."
So hey, take the advice of one of the men who played a central role in winning World War II. If you buy my book, execute the methodology with what might be considered violent passion and vigorous action. Go full speed and take no prisoners. Take the shot. Do NOT buy my book if you're going to read it like it's an intellectual exercise. I get really hacked off when people send me e-mails after reading my book, and they haven't even opened a stinking demo account. Why bother? I mean...why did you buy my book?
So I try to be polite with the couch potato people, but seriously. I mean, really? You're going to spend even $9.99 to buy my book. You say you "want" to make big money in forex, but you won't even invest the time to open a demo account? Heck, the latest review posted on Amazon, which actually motivated me to write this blog (so thank you, Dante) is from a guy who bought the book and just flat opened a live account with $1000 he couldn't afford to lose. I do NOT advise taking this kind of risk. NO way do I give that kind of reckless advice. But at the same time, I am laughing my butt off every time I get an e-mail from this dude, cause he is crushing the market right out of the box. So, I'm thinking -- what the heck is wrong with the other people who e-mail me all caught up in confusion and indecision?
This guy and a reasonable number of other people (Anthony -- you're doing well, and I include you in this group of successful people even though you stumbled the other day based on an old habit lol -- you're going to be okay when you learn to STAY WITH THE PROGRAM!!!!!) -- people are making this work. They're making money, because they're taking action. I respect that immensely. It's the reward I enjoy most out of writing the book.
So to all those who read and whine because they never take the initiative to take action -- look in the mirror if you want to see the reason you fail. And to those absolutely raping the forex market for disgusting profits cause they are taking ACTION with violent aggression, I love you with all my heart. The billions and billions of cash profits are out there every single hour of every day just for the taking, but no one is going to give it to you. You have to EARN it. All I can do is show you how. The implementation. The guts. The desire to actually do it -- that's all you.
Friday, June 24, 2011
If you can't make something work yourself, it must be impossible. Sure.
So a guy who bought my book, Trajectory Forex, posted a brutally harsh and critical review claiming my method for identifying trends is bogus. What's worse, he asserts that everything in my book is otherwise out there and available for free on the Internet.
This is not only false but slanderous. Unfortunately, people are allowed to legally express opinions in blogs and posts like you can do on Amazon. The fortunate part of that right in the United States is that I can respond in places like here in my blog. I want to refrain from mentioning this fellow's name, but he's put it out there on his review on Amazon. I'd simply offer that I have e-mails from this guy from back when he purchased my FX Power Hedge methodology. A lot of people bought it...thousands. Only a couple people (literally a couple) claimed it would not work, and this guy was one of them.
The false conclusion this particular guy came to in that instance was the following: "If it doesn't work for me then it must be impossible for anyone." He couldn't figure out how to make FX Power Hedge work for him, so he gave up and got angry at me. Then, for whatever reason, he bought my second book, Trajectory Forex. I can only speculate that he bought the new book just so he could post a negative review on Amazon aimed at me personally.
The second series of false statements he makes in his Amazon post is that everything in my book is already on the Internet for free. This is a malicious false statement intended only to hinder sales of my book, which actually continue at a pretty good pace by the way. What's more, I am working via e-mail with a number of traders who are enjoying profitable success trading with Trajectory Forex. I'm glad to answer e-mails from people who buy the book and then want to trade Trajectory. I enjoy it, cause my life is otherwise sitting in front of a couple computers killing time between trading opportunities. Regardless, I have this one guy claiming everything in my book is already on the Internet for free. That's BS.
The fact is that I had to document that the content in my book was original intellectual property I created before publication. Amazon asks for it in writing before you can put your book on there for sale. It's also just a basic requirement of non-fiction literary work if you educate yourself on the topic. Absent original ownership of the intellectual property, you have to credit sources who might be quoted. My book, Trajectory Forex, presents a method for combining the trajectory of price movement with the velocity of movement via observation of select groups of time frames with varying priorities/meanings that I and others working with me on the book have not now and did not ever find anywhere else on the Internet. Trajectory Forex is a legitimately original and new method for identifying trends. I didn't swipe it from anyone else. I created this methodology myself. It's original. I resent the assertion made in that one individual's post on Amazon. I hereby demand an apology if the guy ever reads this post.
That review and its attacks on my integrity insult me. I have been successful in forex trading since 2006. I've written and published a book about how I do it, and I invest a pretty good amount of my time responding to people who e-mail me with questions. I have a legitimate interest in helping people succeed in forex, and this is largely because I was also the victim of several scams myself when I first started trading. I bought some EA's that didn't actually work. I've purchased a lot of EA's since that first one, and not one single EA works consistently over the long term. I've also paid for Technical Analysis training, and I've found it is flawed because it seeks to use historical data to predict the future...and that is impossible to do in our known universe.
As I detail in my book, the best you can do with ANY means of trend identification in order to create a positive trading opportunity is identify some level of "probability" relative to whether or not a trend will continue. There are no guarantees. There are no absolutes. Nothing can be predicted on heaven and Earth. That's openly stated in my book and actually an argument for the merits of my real time data-based trend identification methodology.
So, I'd just like to offer that if you purchase my book, why not write me an e-mail if you have an honest question and try to maintain a positive attitude while you practice the methodology. People who seek to find flaws in something will inevitably find them, even if they're imaginary. If you approach any endeavor with an attitude of doubt and expectation of failure, you will find that doubt and failure. However, if you approach a challenge with the attitude that you CAN succeed if you invest the time and hard work...then maybe success is within your scope of ability.
I'm really not so much interested in selling more copies of my book via this post. It sells at whatever pace it sells. I am satisfied that I put something honest out there which can help a lot of forex traders get past the scams and the BS so common in this industry. My goal was to hopefully see Trajectory Forex replace Technical Analysis as an honest, legitimate trend identification methodology. I don't believe in guessing or predicting. I deal exclusively in facts, data and data-based probabilities. That's all we have, and even with this highest level of data-based analysis, all you can do is analyze quantitative data and then make what is inevitably a qualitative (or subjective albeit educated) approximation of the statistical "probability" that a trend will continue.
So you then apply solid money management techniques. You never lose big. Keep tight stops when things go against your calculation of the probabilities. And you seek out those instances when the data correctly identifies a trend that continues in real time. I have found, and other traders are telling me, that the success rate relative to identifying higher versus lower probability trends gets better over time. But that's also a matter of the individual trader's dedication and ability to analyze the data. No one does the trading for you. You have to work at it yourself. You have to identify your own trading opportunities. Trajectory Forex is merely a methodology that one can apply. Your individual execution of the methodology will determine success or failure.Your commitment to achieve success will determine whether you toss it aside after a week of mixed results, or you stick with it until you find yourself winning a lot more than you lose.
It's painfully simple in some regards. More importantly, it's original. I'm open to all kinds of criticism. Trajectory Forex is clearly something within the skill set of a lot of people and, I'm sure, beyond the abilities of others. That's just human reality. But I greatly resent anyone who uses their right to free speech just to make false accusations that my work is plagiarism. The methodology is not all out there on the Internet for free.
What definitely is on the Internet for free is a pretty large set of charts and graphs anyone can download no charge on my personal website: That free pdf download is there for two reasons: people with the Kindle version may or may not be able to see the charts clearly, and I also hope to share a little information with beginners seeking to learn. The results in those charts and graphs, however, are all 100% accurate from actual trading activity. Nothing is created falsely in photoshop or any other manipulated data. It's a collection of real results I've achieved. (But yes, based on legal advice, there is a big, huge disclaimer at the end of my book. I have to protect myself. That's fundamental.)
I'm sorry for the rant here to some extent. That dude's one negative and false review on Amazon really insulted me, so I avoided responding for about a month. Still angry now after weeks, I decided to post this and get my feelings off my chest. So there you go.
Listen, forex is not a negative thing. It's a wonderful marketplace, and a great source of opportunity. It saddens me when people seek to go negative. It's like politics in America today. Everything's about attacking people and making as many negative assertions as possible...often with no regard for truth. I am not naive, but I just don't get what people find rewarding about trying to tear down another person or their work. Having traded forex since 2006 and invested countless hours working with traders who get into my methodologies via e-mail inquiries, and seeing a lot of those people achieve success, it hurts my spirit as a human being when someone is so negative and goes so far as to insult my integrity with an accusation of plagiarism.
I'm genuinely sorry this guy is so angry with me. At the same time, I can offer only one suggestion relative to his failure to succeed in forex. Look in the mirror. If you bought my book, read it, and practiced the methodology as detailed, then the mirror is the only place you will see the reason you failed.
This is not only false but slanderous. Unfortunately, people are allowed to legally express opinions in blogs and posts like you can do on Amazon. The fortunate part of that right in the United States is that I can respond in places like here in my blog. I want to refrain from mentioning this fellow's name, but he's put it out there on his review on Amazon. I'd simply offer that I have e-mails from this guy from back when he purchased my FX Power Hedge methodology. A lot of people bought it...thousands. Only a couple people (literally a couple) claimed it would not work, and this guy was one of them.
The false conclusion this particular guy came to in that instance was the following: "If it doesn't work for me then it must be impossible for anyone." He couldn't figure out how to make FX Power Hedge work for him, so he gave up and got angry at me. Then, for whatever reason, he bought my second book, Trajectory Forex. I can only speculate that he bought the new book just so he could post a negative review on Amazon aimed at me personally.
The second series of false statements he makes in his Amazon post is that everything in my book is already on the Internet for free. This is a malicious false statement intended only to hinder sales of my book, which actually continue at a pretty good pace by the way. What's more, I am working via e-mail with a number of traders who are enjoying profitable success trading with Trajectory Forex. I'm glad to answer e-mails from people who buy the book and then want to trade Trajectory. I enjoy it, cause my life is otherwise sitting in front of a couple computers killing time between trading opportunities. Regardless, I have this one guy claiming everything in my book is already on the Internet for free. That's BS.
The fact is that I had to document that the content in my book was original intellectual property I created before publication. Amazon asks for it in writing before you can put your book on there for sale. It's also just a basic requirement of non-fiction literary work if you educate yourself on the topic. Absent original ownership of the intellectual property, you have to credit sources who might be quoted. My book, Trajectory Forex, presents a method for combining the trajectory of price movement with the velocity of movement via observation of select groups of time frames with varying priorities/meanings that I and others working with me on the book have not now and did not ever find anywhere else on the Internet. Trajectory Forex is a legitimately original and new method for identifying trends. I didn't swipe it from anyone else. I created this methodology myself. It's original. I resent the assertion made in that one individual's post on Amazon. I hereby demand an apology if the guy ever reads this post.
That review and its attacks on my integrity insult me. I have been successful in forex trading since 2006. I've written and published a book about how I do it, and I invest a pretty good amount of my time responding to people who e-mail me with questions. I have a legitimate interest in helping people succeed in forex, and this is largely because I was also the victim of several scams myself when I first started trading. I bought some EA's that didn't actually work. I've purchased a lot of EA's since that first one, and not one single EA works consistently over the long term. I've also paid for Technical Analysis training, and I've found it is flawed because it seeks to use historical data to predict the future...and that is impossible to do in our known universe.
As I detail in my book, the best you can do with ANY means of trend identification in order to create a positive trading opportunity is identify some level of "probability" relative to whether or not a trend will continue. There are no guarantees. There are no absolutes. Nothing can be predicted on heaven and Earth. That's openly stated in my book and actually an argument for the merits of my real time data-based trend identification methodology.
So, I'd just like to offer that if you purchase my book, why not write me an e-mail if you have an honest question and try to maintain a positive attitude while you practice the methodology. People who seek to find flaws in something will inevitably find them, even if they're imaginary. If you approach any endeavor with an attitude of doubt and expectation of failure, you will find that doubt and failure. However, if you approach a challenge with the attitude that you CAN succeed if you invest the time and hard work...then maybe success is within your scope of ability.
I'm really not so much interested in selling more copies of my book via this post. It sells at whatever pace it sells. I am satisfied that I put something honest out there which can help a lot of forex traders get past the scams and the BS so common in this industry. My goal was to hopefully see Trajectory Forex replace Technical Analysis as an honest, legitimate trend identification methodology. I don't believe in guessing or predicting. I deal exclusively in facts, data and data-based probabilities. That's all we have, and even with this highest level of data-based analysis, all you can do is analyze quantitative data and then make what is inevitably a qualitative (or subjective albeit educated) approximation of the statistical "probability" that a trend will continue.
So you then apply solid money management techniques. You never lose big. Keep tight stops when things go against your calculation of the probabilities. And you seek out those instances when the data correctly identifies a trend that continues in real time. I have found, and other traders are telling me, that the success rate relative to identifying higher versus lower probability trends gets better over time. But that's also a matter of the individual trader's dedication and ability to analyze the data. No one does the trading for you. You have to work at it yourself. You have to identify your own trading opportunities. Trajectory Forex is merely a methodology that one can apply. Your individual execution of the methodology will determine success or failure.Your commitment to achieve success will determine whether you toss it aside after a week of mixed results, or you stick with it until you find yourself winning a lot more than you lose.
It's painfully simple in some regards. More importantly, it's original. I'm open to all kinds of criticism. Trajectory Forex is clearly something within the skill set of a lot of people and, I'm sure, beyond the abilities of others. That's just human reality. But I greatly resent anyone who uses their right to free speech just to make false accusations that my work is plagiarism. The methodology is not all out there on the Internet for free.
What definitely is on the Internet for free is a pretty large set of charts and graphs anyone can download no charge on my personal website: That free pdf download is there for two reasons: people with the Kindle version may or may not be able to see the charts clearly, and I also hope to share a little information with beginners seeking to learn. The results in those charts and graphs, however, are all 100% accurate from actual trading activity. Nothing is created falsely in photoshop or any other manipulated data. It's a collection of real results I've achieved. (But yes, based on legal advice, there is a big, huge disclaimer at the end of my book. I have to protect myself. That's fundamental.)
I'm sorry for the rant here to some extent. That dude's one negative and false review on Amazon really insulted me, so I avoided responding for about a month. Still angry now after weeks, I decided to post this and get my feelings off my chest. So there you go.
Listen, forex is not a negative thing. It's a wonderful marketplace, and a great source of opportunity. It saddens me when people seek to go negative. It's like politics in America today. Everything's about attacking people and making as many negative assertions as possible...often with no regard for truth. I am not naive, but I just don't get what people find rewarding about trying to tear down another person or their work. Having traded forex since 2006 and invested countless hours working with traders who get into my methodologies via e-mail inquiries, and seeing a lot of those people achieve success, it hurts my spirit as a human being when someone is so negative and goes so far as to insult my integrity with an accusation of plagiarism.
I'm genuinely sorry this guy is so angry with me. At the same time, I can offer only one suggestion relative to his failure to succeed in forex. Look in the mirror. If you bought my book, read it, and practiced the methodology as detailed, then the mirror is the only place you will see the reason you failed.
Friday, May 6, 2011
A Strong USD. Who Would Have Predicted.
Maybe there are insightful traders out there who saw today's soaring value in the USD. I suspect not too many people predicted the profit taking opportunities that happened today from EUR/USD to USD/CHF. One thing for sure, trading in the now with Trajectory Forex real time data was pretty easy.
I was at first long on EUR/USD and short on CHF/USD. When I saw both trajectory change and accelerating velocity, I got out of positions at smaller profit levels or near break even thanks to original and profitable entry points. Then, despite what I had seen over many months before, I looked at the real time data and surprised myself with profits based on the rising strength of today's USD.
EUR/USD went down. USD/CHF went up. Go figure. One thing for sure, with real time data and observation of just two real time variables that stream into the MT4 non-stop, Trajectory Forex methodologies allowed me to earn profits despite the longer term trend of both these currencies.
If you haven't read my book, check it out. Trajectory Forex is now on Amazon and at Again, real time data proves to be the key to radical and rapid change.
I was at first long on EUR/USD and short on CHF/USD. When I saw both trajectory change and accelerating velocity, I got out of positions at smaller profit levels or near break even thanks to original and profitable entry points. Then, despite what I had seen over many months before, I looked at the real time data and surprised myself with profits based on the rising strength of today's USD.
EUR/USD went down. USD/CHF went up. Go figure. One thing for sure, with real time data and observation of just two real time variables that stream into the MT4 non-stop, Trajectory Forex methodologies allowed me to earn profits despite the longer term trend of both these currencies.
If you haven't read my book, check it out. Trajectory Forex is now on Amazon and at Again, real time data proves to be the key to radical and rapid change.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Free Trajectory Forex Charts. A New Book Comes Out.
First, I want to thank everyone who has participated in the early refinement of Trajectory Forex. I've gotten positive responses from all Trajectory traders so far. Of course, everyone in this group also started with the FX Power Hedge, so I know there was a little head start in terms of understanding the first of the two variables used in data-based Trajectory trading.
At the same time, the positive comments I've gotten from people in terms of the simplicity of Trajectory Forex trading have been more than encouraging.
I also want to let everyone know that there's a complete set of graphs and charts available for free download at a new website launched recently coordinate with the release of my book, Trajectory Forex. If you want to see the charts used in my new book, visit When you first reach that website, you will see a link to download all charts used in the book absolutely free.
I wanted to make sure, whether you buy my book or not, that you can take a look at the charts and a few examples of results from this methodology.
For me, the most important point I want to make is that Technical Trading is officially dead. It's predictive in nature, which is a fatal flaw. Technical Analysis seeks to do something that's impossible in our known universe: predict the future. Worse, it uses historical data to create a spectrum of misleading candlestick formations, resistance levels and other indicators that supposedly predict what will happen moving forward in time based on what has happened in the past.
I hope, if you just stop to think for a moment about the scientific absurdity of actually trying to predict the future based on the past, you'll see that Technical Analysis is totally bogus. It is, in my personal opinion, the biggest scam ever perpetuated on an entire community of financial traders. More than that, in my conversations with many professional traders who previously used Technical Analysis, I've gotten almost unanimous agreement that money management is the primary way Technical traders earn profits. I contend if you're good enough at money management to make profits with technical analysis, you might as well flip a coin.
This is where Trajectory Forex distinguishes itself from the predictive voodoo of conventional Technical Analysis. With scientific method, Trajectory Forex identifies trends using real time data we know to be 100% true at all times. A definitive step beyond Multiple Time Frame Analysis, Trajectory Forex allows you to look not only at the directional movement of price, but also its speed as seen in real time and across the spectrum of time frame charts. The synthesis of this quantitative data is the essence of empirical analysis and data-based trend identification.
You don't guess. You don't predict. You analyze. You evaluate trends based on relative probabilities, because there are absolutely no absolutes. And anyone who tells you there's an absolute, sure fire way to win every single trade is full of it as well. There are only, at best, probabilities that can be identified to varying degrees of strength. With data-based trend identification, you can become surprisingly effective at identifying higher probability trends based on real time, streaming data. So, when you combine intelligent money management basics with this level of intelligent data-based Trajectory Forex trend identification, the results can be truly lethal. Again, take advantage of the free download at and just look at the results. Trajectory Analysis works. Period.
I'll write more about Trajectory Forex in coming posts. I'm simply excited to announce the new website, It features my new book, Trajectory Forex, available now as a pdf download at the exact same price you'll pay for the book in paperback or Kindle edition on Amazon within the next few days.
Look for more posts. More results. More discussion. As people purchase Trajectory Forex, the book, we'll discuss relevant topics here that I hope are helpful in actually implementing the methodology for profit in trading. If you have questions, please ask them either here or via e-mail. You guys can reach me at either or I'm here to help. I hope you enjoy the new book.
At the same time, the positive comments I've gotten from people in terms of the simplicity of Trajectory Forex trading have been more than encouraging.
I also want to let everyone know that there's a complete set of graphs and charts available for free download at a new website launched recently coordinate with the release of my book, Trajectory Forex. If you want to see the charts used in my new book, visit When you first reach that website, you will see a link to download all charts used in the book absolutely free.
I wanted to make sure, whether you buy my book or not, that you can take a look at the charts and a few examples of results from this methodology.
For me, the most important point I want to make is that Technical Trading is officially dead. It's predictive in nature, which is a fatal flaw. Technical Analysis seeks to do something that's impossible in our known universe: predict the future. Worse, it uses historical data to create a spectrum of misleading candlestick formations, resistance levels and other indicators that supposedly predict what will happen moving forward in time based on what has happened in the past.
I hope, if you just stop to think for a moment about the scientific absurdity of actually trying to predict the future based on the past, you'll see that Technical Analysis is totally bogus. It is, in my personal opinion, the biggest scam ever perpetuated on an entire community of financial traders. More than that, in my conversations with many professional traders who previously used Technical Analysis, I've gotten almost unanimous agreement that money management is the primary way Technical traders earn profits. I contend if you're good enough at money management to make profits with technical analysis, you might as well flip a coin.
This is where Trajectory Forex distinguishes itself from the predictive voodoo of conventional Technical Analysis. With scientific method, Trajectory Forex identifies trends using real time data we know to be 100% true at all times. A definitive step beyond Multiple Time Frame Analysis, Trajectory Forex allows you to look not only at the directional movement of price, but also its speed as seen in real time and across the spectrum of time frame charts. The synthesis of this quantitative data is the essence of empirical analysis and data-based trend identification.
You don't guess. You don't predict. You analyze. You evaluate trends based on relative probabilities, because there are absolutely no absolutes. And anyone who tells you there's an absolute, sure fire way to win every single trade is full of it as well. There are only, at best, probabilities that can be identified to varying degrees of strength. With data-based trend identification, you can become surprisingly effective at identifying higher probability trends based on real time, streaming data. So, when you combine intelligent money management basics with this level of intelligent data-based Trajectory Forex trend identification, the results can be truly lethal. Again, take advantage of the free download at and just look at the results. Trajectory Analysis works. Period.
I'll write more about Trajectory Forex in coming posts. I'm simply excited to announce the new website, It features my new book, Trajectory Forex, available now as a pdf download at the exact same price you'll pay for the book in paperback or Kindle edition on Amazon within the next few days.
Look for more posts. More results. More discussion. As people purchase Trajectory Forex, the book, we'll discuss relevant topics here that I hope are helpful in actually implementing the methodology for profit in trading. If you have questions, please ask them either here or via e-mail. You guys can reach me at either or I'm here to help. I hope you enjoy the new book.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Results From A New Trajectory Forex Trader
Below is a chart from a trader who purchased an early edition of my new book, Trajectory Forex, and his results are obvious. This is just one trader who sent in his results. I've deleted his name (never will disclose anyone's identity in terms of the results they get), and I'm not including his e-mail with his results. Bottom line, he and I exchanged a few e-mails as he learned the new Trajectory method. His most significant comment to me was that he was simply now starting to "see". He is starting to "get it". The result? The numbers are below. (Please excuse the fouled up format of the copy/paste of his chart. It didn't import altogether cleanly in this blog program. But you can see the P/L on his trades in the right, and his net profit of $3025 in the far right column with by the way, a total starting deposit of just $3000. So he doubled his account in two weeks! As he said to me in the last line of his most recent e-mail, "I never thought I'd be able to do this...this chart is starting to look like the ones those professional guys post on their websites." Yeah. This guy is on his way.)
I'm super excited for more people to experience Trajectory Forex. It is the first data-based, empirical trend identification system that eliminates predicting and allows you to win trades by making decisions based on streaming factual data in real time.
Keep in mind that this fellow is still learning. I've talked to him about getting out of losing trades a little sooner. He's also getting better at picking winning trades and staying with them to maximize his wins. He told me that, for a while, he was happy to just capture a few pips and get out. But he's learning to win big and lose small, which leverages the more consistently effective trend identification that results from Trajectory Forex analysis of price movement. This guy is only going to get better. Exciting stuff for me, cause it isn't me giving the examples. This is just a fellow who read my book on the other side of the world, and we have exchanged only a few e-mails. His confidence is building after starting to see consistent results like these below.
THAT is what I do this for...that is my motivation. It's a very good day for me seeing a chart like this from a guy still learning Trajectory Forex. Awesome.
Trajectory Forex will be available to the public hopefully by the end of March or early April 2011 on Amazon.
I'm super excited for more people to experience Trajectory Forex. It is the first data-based, empirical trend identification system that eliminates predicting and allows you to win trades by making decisions based on streaming factual data in real time.
Keep in mind that this fellow is still learning. I've talked to him about getting out of losing trades a little sooner. He's also getting better at picking winning trades and staying with them to maximize his wins. He told me that, for a while, he was happy to just capture a few pips and get out. But he's learning to win big and lose small, which leverages the more consistently effective trend identification that results from Trajectory Forex analysis of price movement. This guy is only going to get better. Exciting stuff for me, cause it isn't me giving the examples. This is just a fellow who read my book on the other side of the world, and we have exchanged only a few e-mails. His confidence is building after starting to see consistent results like these below.
THAT is what I do this for...that is my motivation. It's a very good day for me seeing a chart like this from a guy still learning Trajectory Forex. Awesome.
Trajectory Forex will be available to the public hopefully by the end of March or early April 2011 on Amazon.
1.54650 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 130.00 |
1.30020 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 185.00 |
1.30200 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -575.00 |
1.28966 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 44.00 |
1.55446 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 190.00 |
0.98431 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 165.00 |
108.145 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 18.01 |
1.56450 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1 410.00 |
1.56900 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 297.00 |
1.30003 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 102.00 |
1.30034 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -207.00 |
1.57511 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -84.00 |
1.57576 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -648.00 |
1.31271 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 126.00 |
1.31162 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 180.00 |
1.31181 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 300.00 |
1.58340 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -708.00 |
1.59915 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1.34185 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 34.00 |
1.60163 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 76.00 |
1.34269 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 68.00 |
1.59608 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 46.00 |
1.34480 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -222.00 |
1.59530 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 265.00 |
1.59499 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 170.00 |
1.59316 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 275.00 |
81.60 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1 388.36 |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | PROFIT 3 025.37 |
Saturday, February 12, 2011
End of FX Power Hedge
Well, the FX Power Hedge website is gone. For those of you who bought the system and enjoyed profitability, I want to thank you and wish you ongoing success. For those who missed on the system, it's okay. We have evolved to a higher level of trading. There will soon be a new website, As well, the book will be sold on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide. So look for the release of my new book, Trajectory Forex, within the next month or so by a small publishing company in which I've taken a special interest.
Trajectory, as previously mentioned in another post, is a significant advance over the old FX Power Hedge. It takes the application of physics to a higher level relative to trend identification. If you can grasp the fact that price movement in forex is a virtual object in motion, and it is subject to the same laws of physics that apply to any other moving object in our universe, you will see why Trajectory Forex is the most significant innovation in forex trend identification in decades.
Moreover, while the FX Power Hedge remains a methodology that a lot of traders continue to implement and believe in strongly, I personally believe Trajectory Forex is a step beyond. That said, if you run across this blog (which I'm likely not going to post much more on in the coming months), you can e-mail me and I'll talk to you about the possibility of obtaining the FX Power Hedge system. Just remember, in the United States, hedging is banned by the National Futures Association (NFA). That was another reason I evolved my trading methodology to eliminate hedging.
This led to Trajectory Forex. And thus we move on to another era of trying to help more traders learn a better and more trustworthy way to identify trends in forex and earn consistent profits. Just know that the book does not seek to teach Money Management (an essential tool), nor does it seek to teach you how to manage lot size, account equity and margin, etc. This book is exclusively intended to teach readers a better way to identify trends based on real time, 100% true data that streams into your MT4 or MT5 platform 24/6. There are plenty of other resources out there to teach the other essentials of forex. For me, trend identification is number one, so that's what I focused on in the book given that I mention some basics about those other considerations. I strongly recommend those who are novice traders, and who end up purchasing Trajectory Forex in the future, to please also look into the almost endless resources that teach Money Management, etc. You can find all that stuff on the web pretty easily. To me, the number one challenge is identifying profitable trends. That is what Trajectory Forex can do for you.
I want to thank the many traders who started out with me in FX Power Hedge and whose conversations over the past five years contributed to the final evolution to Trajectory Forex.
As a final note to everyone who bought the FX Power Hedge, we never developed an EA that worked consistently. I still have one fellow who is a brilliant software developer and he continues to work on EA and AI innovations. He has, in his hands already, a final draft of the Trajectory Forex book. Maybe one day, there will be an EA. I am not hopeful but I never rule out the possibility.
So, for now, I may keep coming back here to update my family of FX Power Hedge traders. But, I just wanted to offer what might also be a final goodbye. I wish you all the best of fortune.
Just remember, the FX Power Hedge remains viable. I have simply elevated the game with Trajectory which identifies trends with such consistent accuracy that it eliminates the need for hedging. Still, as one trader in Italy told me the other day, "I still love rules based trading, and I'll continue using the FX Power Hedge." The man is very successful as a professional forex trader, and he has more degrees that I will ever think about obtaining in this lifetime. He knows what he is doing, and he smartly profits off the old system. So, as I mention in the new book, a lot of traders will combine the power hedge, and maybe Trajectory, with elements of Technical Analysis although I personally do not trade with ANY consideration given to Technical Analysis. It is based on historical data that seeks to predict the future, and you cannot predict the future of anything in our known universe. So, just in my opinion, Technical Analysis is the biggest scam ever perpetuated in forex or perhaps any investment community. That said, I concede a lot of people love Technical Analysis and also incorporate elements of my own systems into their more traditional trend identification processes. As Larry David said in the recent classic film by Woody Allen, "Whatever works."
I just felt, partly because of the regulatory crackdown in the U.S., it was time to pull the FX Power Hedge off the market. With the NFA enforcing its ban on hedging and the CFTC increasingly active enforcing their rules on U.S. citizens, I just don't need the headaches and potential risks of selling a hedging system that a U.S. citizen could purchase.
So, with a final salute to our increasingly LESS free trade world in America and what appears to be a move toward socialism (at least for the next couple years), I wish you all well. Life goes on. Elections happen every four years for a reason. And to those who seek to earn profits now with the new, innovative Trajectory Forex methodology or by whatever means, always remember that we true capitalists shall always prevail over those who seek to impose their unreasonable restrictions over our desire to pursue free trade. It's our money and we should have the right to invest it in whatever manner we choose free of regulation in the choices we make.
We capitalists will not be denied the ability to earn profits via free trade. I remind those in the White House today that free capitalism is the fuel of true democracy. Their regulations and inept policies are the reason we have an ongoing depression today. We pray for a free trade advocate of real capitalism as our next President here in the U.S.
Peace and prosperity.
Trajectory, as previously mentioned in another post, is a significant advance over the old FX Power Hedge. It takes the application of physics to a higher level relative to trend identification. If you can grasp the fact that price movement in forex is a virtual object in motion, and it is subject to the same laws of physics that apply to any other moving object in our universe, you will see why Trajectory Forex is the most significant innovation in forex trend identification in decades.
Moreover, while the FX Power Hedge remains a methodology that a lot of traders continue to implement and believe in strongly, I personally believe Trajectory Forex is a step beyond. That said, if you run across this blog (which I'm likely not going to post much more on in the coming months), you can e-mail me and I'll talk to you about the possibility of obtaining the FX Power Hedge system. Just remember, in the United States, hedging is banned by the National Futures Association (NFA). That was another reason I evolved my trading methodology to eliminate hedging.
This led to Trajectory Forex. And thus we move on to another era of trying to help more traders learn a better and more trustworthy way to identify trends in forex and earn consistent profits. Just know that the book does not seek to teach Money Management (an essential tool), nor does it seek to teach you how to manage lot size, account equity and margin, etc. This book is exclusively intended to teach readers a better way to identify trends based on real time, 100% true data that streams into your MT4 or MT5 platform 24/6. There are plenty of other resources out there to teach the other essentials of forex. For me, trend identification is number one, so that's what I focused on in the book given that I mention some basics about those other considerations. I strongly recommend those who are novice traders, and who end up purchasing Trajectory Forex in the future, to please also look into the almost endless resources that teach Money Management, etc. You can find all that stuff on the web pretty easily. To me, the number one challenge is identifying profitable trends. That is what Trajectory Forex can do for you.
I want to thank the many traders who started out with me in FX Power Hedge and whose conversations over the past five years contributed to the final evolution to Trajectory Forex.
As a final note to everyone who bought the FX Power Hedge, we never developed an EA that worked consistently. I still have one fellow who is a brilliant software developer and he continues to work on EA and AI innovations. He has, in his hands already, a final draft of the Trajectory Forex book. Maybe one day, there will be an EA. I am not hopeful but I never rule out the possibility.
So, for now, I may keep coming back here to update my family of FX Power Hedge traders. But, I just wanted to offer what might also be a final goodbye. I wish you all the best of fortune.
Just remember, the FX Power Hedge remains viable. I have simply elevated the game with Trajectory which identifies trends with such consistent accuracy that it eliminates the need for hedging. Still, as one trader in Italy told me the other day, "I still love rules based trading, and I'll continue using the FX Power Hedge." The man is very successful as a professional forex trader, and he has more degrees that I will ever think about obtaining in this lifetime. He knows what he is doing, and he smartly profits off the old system. So, as I mention in the new book, a lot of traders will combine the power hedge, and maybe Trajectory, with elements of Technical Analysis although I personally do not trade with ANY consideration given to Technical Analysis. It is based on historical data that seeks to predict the future, and you cannot predict the future of anything in our known universe. So, just in my opinion, Technical Analysis is the biggest scam ever perpetuated in forex or perhaps any investment community. That said, I concede a lot of people love Technical Analysis and also incorporate elements of my own systems into their more traditional trend identification processes. As Larry David said in the recent classic film by Woody Allen, "Whatever works."
I just felt, partly because of the regulatory crackdown in the U.S., it was time to pull the FX Power Hedge off the market. With the NFA enforcing its ban on hedging and the CFTC increasingly active enforcing their rules on U.S. citizens, I just don't need the headaches and potential risks of selling a hedging system that a U.S. citizen could purchase.
So, with a final salute to our increasingly LESS free trade world in America and what appears to be a move toward socialism (at least for the next couple years), I wish you all well. Life goes on. Elections happen every four years for a reason. And to those who seek to earn profits now with the new, innovative Trajectory Forex methodology or by whatever means, always remember that we true capitalists shall always prevail over those who seek to impose their unreasonable restrictions over our desire to pursue free trade. It's our money and we should have the right to invest it in whatever manner we choose free of regulation in the choices we make.
We capitalists will not be denied the ability to earn profits via free trade. I remind those in the White House today that free capitalism is the fuel of true democracy. Their regulations and inept policies are the reason we have an ongoing depression today. We pray for a free trade advocate of real capitalism as our next President here in the U.S.
Peace and prosperity.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
One Million Dollars In 15 Days
Okay, this post is verging on the unbelievable, but I'm putting it here for those who follow or already trade my system and know it's not BS.
So everyone traditionally says you should never trade on the holidays. Not enough volume to predict trends. Well, fortunately, my system doesn't "predict" anything. It works in real time with 100% true pieces of data right out of the MT4. So I decided to put my own system to the test and do it in style. I took an account, worked it over a couple months without making any withdrawals, and then traded very aggressively starting on December 15, 2010 (VERY aggressively to a point of margin risk that I wouldn't recommend...then again, I've been doing this for a while).
I didn't start out with any specific goal, and (frankly) I also didn't use the conventional FX Power Hedge System (still available for a short time at I used an evolution of the system that I've put together and taught people who buy the traditional FX Power Hedge over the past year. This methodology is based on the data analysis methods used in FX Power Hedge, but takes it just one step further with a second real time variable in order to actually increase profit taking.
And, it's not technical analysis. And, it's not fundamental analysis. And, it's just not anything anyone has ever done before based on everything I've ever seen, read or heard going back to my start in forex back in 2006.
So, using this new evolution of the FX Power Hedge, what were my results? On the evening of December 30, 2010 after starting this sequence of trades on just December 15, I remarkably (although not so surprising to me since I've been getting great results all year) -- on December 30, 2010, my total profits exceeded $1 million. That's $1 million USD in 15 days.
Now, I seriously hesitated to post this, because everyone talks about how I must be promoting a scam and ya da ya. Cause my results are too good.
Hey, even Google refuses to allow me to buy AdWords cause they decided (without anyone at Google ever actually trying my system)...they decided the results I talk about on my FX Power Hedge website must be "fraudulent". Again, in my still ongoing war with Google for credibility, I sent these latest charts to them showing my daily profits from Dec. 15 - Dec. 30, 2010. Again, if anyone at Google reads this, you guys amaze me. You allow brokers to advertise and perpetuate the biggest scam in forex: technical analysis. But me...I must be the real scam cause I'm just one guy -- not a big broker paying megabucks for tons and tons of AdWords. Yeah, okay. Read my charts, guys.
This system is based on mathematics. It's based on the same principles used to chart the trajectory of other objects in space. We're simply applying these measures of trajectory calculation to a "virtual" object: price movement.
In concept, it's brutally simple. In execution, it's the beast in terms of profitable big and micro trend identification. I just wanted to pass along this example of the system actually working during the holidays last month. I have a book coming out soon that I will urge all of you to keep an eye out for: Trajectory Forex.
It will be available soon on Amazon and other outlets both as a paperback and e-book. This may be the last post I put up on this FX Power Hedge site. I'm going to take down the FX Power Hedge website soon and just move forward with the new system, simply called "Trajectory".
This has been a wonderful journey, and I've very much enjoyed sharing it with so many of you who check in here and there to report your progress. Honestly and sincerely, I have truly enjoyed working with you as much as you guys tell me stuff like "the support is great". I always chuckle when I get that one, cause it makes me sound like a call center. And hey, I'm just one guy answering e-mails and helping people learn how to trade forex for profit and hopefully for a living.
I wish you all well. Thank you very much for the journey. Together, I believe we have taken a big step toward eliminating a lot of the fraud in forex...especially the voodoo of Technical Analysis which is still wrongly promoted by almost every major broker, yet causes no less than 80% of all new traders to lose all their money.
Again, with my system, I achieved some disgusting results in a very short time even within the past month. Again, I tell you, forex is just not that difficult if you will only use the real time streaming data in your MT4, and NEVER try to "predict" the future. You can't predict the future anywhere else in the universe. Why in the world would anyone think some kind of chart pattern or candle formation can predict the future in forex? Yet, big brokers swear by this technical analysis BS and they suck in a ton of people every day convincing the novice trader they can learn it and make money. Bull.
Meanwhile, I used real time data to "trade in the now" and just pulled down a sweet $1 million in 15 days. AND...I did it during the bloody holidays. THAT is for the stinking brokers and Google who think my system is a scam. I look forward to the day (hopefully within the next few months) when my book hits the top 10 sellers. I'm excited. Again, watch for "Trajectory Forex" by Sparks coming out soon.
Peace and prosperity to all of you.
So everyone traditionally says you should never trade on the holidays. Not enough volume to predict trends. Well, fortunately, my system doesn't "predict" anything. It works in real time with 100% true pieces of data right out of the MT4. So I decided to put my own system to the test and do it in style. I took an account, worked it over a couple months without making any withdrawals, and then traded very aggressively starting on December 15, 2010 (VERY aggressively to a point of margin risk that I wouldn't recommend...then again, I've been doing this for a while).
I didn't start out with any specific goal, and (frankly) I also didn't use the conventional FX Power Hedge System (still available for a short time at I used an evolution of the system that I've put together and taught people who buy the traditional FX Power Hedge over the past year. This methodology is based on the data analysis methods used in FX Power Hedge, but takes it just one step further with a second real time variable in order to actually increase profit taking.
And, it's not technical analysis. And, it's not fundamental analysis. And, it's just not anything anyone has ever done before based on everything I've ever seen, read or heard going back to my start in forex back in 2006.
So, using this new evolution of the FX Power Hedge, what were my results? On the evening of December 30, 2010 after starting this sequence of trades on just December 15, I remarkably (although not so surprising to me since I've been getting great results all year) -- on December 30, 2010, my total profits exceeded $1 million. That's $1 million USD in 15 days.
Now, I seriously hesitated to post this, because everyone talks about how I must be promoting a scam and ya da ya. Cause my results are too good.
Hey, even Google refuses to allow me to buy AdWords cause they decided (without anyone at Google ever actually trying my system)...they decided the results I talk about on my FX Power Hedge website must be "fraudulent". Again, in my still ongoing war with Google for credibility, I sent these latest charts to them showing my daily profits from Dec. 15 - Dec. 30, 2010. Again, if anyone at Google reads this, you guys amaze me. You allow brokers to advertise and perpetuate the biggest scam in forex: technical analysis. But me...I must be the real scam cause I'm just one guy -- not a big broker paying megabucks for tons and tons of AdWords. Yeah, okay. Read my charts, guys.
This system is based on mathematics. It's based on the same principles used to chart the trajectory of other objects in space. We're simply applying these measures of trajectory calculation to a "virtual" object: price movement.
In concept, it's brutally simple. In execution, it's the beast in terms of profitable big and micro trend identification. I just wanted to pass along this example of the system actually working during the holidays last month. I have a book coming out soon that I will urge all of you to keep an eye out for: Trajectory Forex.
It will be available soon on Amazon and other outlets both as a paperback and e-book. This may be the last post I put up on this FX Power Hedge site. I'm going to take down the FX Power Hedge website soon and just move forward with the new system, simply called "Trajectory".
This has been a wonderful journey, and I've very much enjoyed sharing it with so many of you who check in here and there to report your progress. Honestly and sincerely, I have truly enjoyed working with you as much as you guys tell me stuff like "the support is great". I always chuckle when I get that one, cause it makes me sound like a call center. And hey, I'm just one guy answering e-mails and helping people learn how to trade forex for profit and hopefully for a living.
I wish you all well. Thank you very much for the journey. Together, I believe we have taken a big step toward eliminating a lot of the fraud in forex...especially the voodoo of Technical Analysis which is still wrongly promoted by almost every major broker, yet causes no less than 80% of all new traders to lose all their money.
Again, with my system, I achieved some disgusting results in a very short time even within the past month. Again, I tell you, forex is just not that difficult if you will only use the real time streaming data in your MT4, and NEVER try to "predict" the future. You can't predict the future anywhere else in the universe. Why in the world would anyone think some kind of chart pattern or candle formation can predict the future in forex? Yet, big brokers swear by this technical analysis BS and they suck in a ton of people every day convincing the novice trader they can learn it and make money. Bull.
Meanwhile, I used real time data to "trade in the now" and just pulled down a sweet $1 million in 15 days. AND...I did it during the bloody holidays. THAT is for the stinking brokers and Google who think my system is a scam. I look forward to the day (hopefully within the next few months) when my book hits the top 10 sellers. I'm excited. Again, watch for "Trajectory Forex" by Sparks coming out soon.
Peace and prosperity to all of you.
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