Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One Million Dollars In 15 Days

Okay, this post is verging on the unbelievable, but I'm putting it here for those who follow or already trade my system and know it's not BS.

So everyone traditionally says you should never trade on the holidays. Not enough volume to predict trends. Well, fortunately, my system doesn't "predict" anything. It works in real time with 100% true pieces of data right out of the MT4. So I decided to put my own system to the test and do it in style. I took an account, worked it over a couple months without making any withdrawals, and then traded very aggressively starting on December 15, 2010 (VERY aggressively to a point of margin risk that I wouldn't recommend...then again, I've been doing this for a while).

I didn't start out with any specific goal, and (frankly) I also didn't use the conventional FX Power Hedge System (still available for a short time at www.fxpowerhedge.com). I used an evolution of the system that I've put together and taught people who buy the traditional FX Power Hedge over the past year. This methodology is based on the data analysis methods used in FX Power Hedge, but takes it just one step further with a second real time variable in order to actually increase profit taking.

And, it's not technical analysis. And, it's not fundamental analysis. And, it's just not anything anyone has ever done before based on everything I've ever seen, read or heard going back to my start in forex back in 2006.

So, using this new evolution of the FX Power Hedge, what were my results? On the evening of December 30, 2010 after starting this sequence of trades on just December 15, I remarkably (although not so surprising to me since I've been getting great results all year) -- on December 30, 2010, my total profits exceeded $1 million. That's $1 million USD in 15 days.

Now, I seriously hesitated to post this, because everyone talks about how I must be promoting a scam and ya da ya. Cause my results are too good.

Hey, even Google refuses to allow me to buy AdWords cause they decided (without anyone at Google ever actually trying my system)...they decided the results I talk about on my FX Power Hedge website must be "fraudulent". Again, in my still ongoing war with Google for credibility, I sent these latest charts to them showing my daily profits from Dec. 15 - Dec. 30, 2010. Again, if anyone at Google reads this, you guys amaze me. You allow brokers to advertise and perpetuate the biggest scam in forex: technical analysis. But me...I must be the real scam cause I'm just one guy -- not a big broker paying megabucks for tons and tons of AdWords. Yeah, okay. Read my charts, guys.

This system is based on mathematics. It's based on the same principles used to chart the trajectory of other objects in space. We're simply applying these measures of trajectory calculation to a "virtual" object: price movement.

In concept, it's brutally simple. In execution, it's the beast in terms of profitable big and micro trend identification. I just wanted to pass along this example of the system actually working during the holidays last month. I have a book coming out soon that I will urge all of you to keep an eye out for: Trajectory Forex.

It will be available soon on Amazon and other outlets both as a paperback and e-book. This may be the last post I put up on this FX Power Hedge site. I'm going to take down the FX Power Hedge website soon and just move forward with the new system, simply called "Trajectory".

This has been a wonderful journey, and I've very much enjoyed sharing it with so many of you who check in here and there to report your progress. Honestly and sincerely, I have truly enjoyed working with you as much as you guys tell me stuff like "the support is great". I always chuckle when I get that one, cause it makes me sound like a call center. And hey, I'm just one guy answering e-mails and helping people learn how to trade forex for profit and hopefully for a living.

I wish you all well. Thank you very much for the journey. Together, I believe we have taken a big step toward eliminating a lot of the fraud in forex...especially the voodoo of Technical Analysis which is still wrongly promoted by almost every major broker, yet causes no less than 80% of all new traders to lose all their money.

Again, with my system, I achieved some disgusting results in a very short time even within the past month. Again, I tell you, forex is just not that difficult if you will only use the real time streaming data in your MT4, and NEVER try to "predict" the future. You can't predict the future anywhere else in the universe. Why in the world would anyone think some kind of chart pattern or candle formation can predict the future in forex? Yet, big brokers swear by this technical analysis BS and they suck in a ton of people every day convincing the novice trader they can learn it and make money. Bull.

Meanwhile, I used real time data to "trade in the now" and just pulled down a sweet $1 million in 15 days. AND...I did it during the bloody holidays. THAT is for the stinking brokers and Google who think my system is a scam. I look forward to the day (hopefully within the next few months) when my book hits the top 10 sellers. I'm excited. Again, watch for "Trajectory Forex" by Sparks coming out soon.

Peace and prosperity to all of you.


1 comment:

Wilhelm Joseph said...

"Congratulations John!!!

Feel lucky to have been imparted training on the trajectory, when I
had all but given up hope of trading Forex.

I sure can vouch for the trajectory over all the crap that I have used
including crappy EA's and systems lost all my money, maxed credit
cards and creditors at the door

Since starting out in December and practicing on a demo my accounts
have been showing at least a 10% increase per week, and this is
without a single indicator on the chart.Just closed another trade for $532 and this account which was started on the 01/07 is now 117% up, with a maximum draw down which happened only once of 18% :):)

Can't wait to go live!!.

Thanks a lot